
Giving Thanks

Its the end of November already and I'm mentally still in July. Where did the time go? That's a universal question and I've yet to find an answer. As I thought about this, I realized that by making it a policy to celebrate each holiday, I'm marking the passing of the year and having fun. That way 365 days don't slip by unnoticed.
As for giving thanks on this holiday, here are my top three reasons to be thankful.
1. My husband and children. Not to brag or anything, but I have a daughter who is an emergency room psychologist, a son who is a certified diesel mechanic and a son who is currently working on his doctorate in Physics at the CERN Lab in Switzerland. Wow, who knew two country folks could produce such smart, caring individuals. Oh, and don't forget, a great husband who doesn't read romance but he reads mine. Okay, I'm bragging just a little.
2. My parents. Although they are getting up in age, are both doing well and living life to the fullest.
3. My critique partners. I have smart, intelligent and fun people who encourage me every step of the way through my writing career.
What are you most thankful for today?


  1. That's a good reason to celebrate the holidays, to lay down milestones in the years as they progress onward. Although my thanksgiving diner was a beer and a few Skype calls, it was still pretty memorable in its own way. Hope you guys had a good diner!

  2. Thanks Sonasi,
    I talked to my son on Skype and, well, the beer was wine but it was great. I'm glad yours was memorable.

  3. I love your Blog, Steph!
    I'm thankful for a wonderful family, a good job, and fantastic friends. I'm very blessed.
